User Permissions for Practice and Audit history on templates
Brendan Lucas
Restrict which staff can edit templates and the ability to see who made changes.
At the moment if something goes wrong, impossible to identify the cuplrit, therefore you can't train/take action etc.
Also give how important the setup of templates is to your workflow, I feel uncomfortable knowing anyone can alter this data.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Audit Log
Jack Colvin
Would be great to be able to see who and when made changes to items.
Currently there are limited ways of rolling back. This would enable us to better train staff once we had identified the instance of change.
Aaron Wittman
Jack Colvin Assuming missing items from All Activity? This currently has all of the events, and we could improve by adding a search option to find by say user?
Jack Colvin
Aaron Wittman: looking for details when tasks are deleted, schedules changed across all users. Ideally any changes recorded.
Aaron Wittman
Aaron Wittman
Ticke thas been bumped to the design team to confirm how to show the audit history. It will follow our current history but has been requested to look if we need to also bring in comments - so you can make notes of the changes of the a template or schedule for understanding why as well.
Aaron Wittman
Aaron Wittman
Noted. We do have permissions planned and FYI we are recording the last modified user of a template and will ensure we bring this onto the template to view.
Aaron Wittman
under review